February 1879 - Vol. 8 - No. 2, page 40
I have a question to propound to every subscriber and reader of the Herald of the Morning, viz. how many of you, want a paper like the Herald twice a month instead of once. Many of those who love the Herald and the truths taught therein, have suggested that it be issued semi-monthly saying, they get hungry between bites.
For various reasons we have not deemed it proper to comply with this request: one of these the price would necessarily be double, as well as the paper. True at one dollar a year it would be cheaper than most religious papers; but many of our subscribers would find it difficult enough to raise even that small amount, for not many rich, but the poor of this world, rich in faith, are the ones who relish these rich bounties and dainties of God’s word of promise.
I now propose—if there are many of you who would like to have and read it--: to publish at Pittsburgh, Pa. Another paper with another name and other matter; but of the same general character, size and price (50 cts a year) as the Herald, which would be its auxiliary; the Herald issued on the 1st, and the new paper on the 15th of each month. This would enable all who desire a paper oftener to have it.
While I should continue one of the publishers of the Herald, I should probably be unable to render any assistance to its editing. The two papers would be one in spirit and subject, but separate and distinct in management, and finances.
I presume brothers Paton, Keith, Adams and others could do more writing than they have been doing for the Herald; and though I have no assurance of the kind from them, I think we may safely take for granted they will be glad to write more to you, about the sparkling jewels of our casket.
Now I want a vote from each of you. Those who want another paper, who are anxious for it: write at once; saying; I subscribe for the new paper. Let those who receive the Herald free (unable to pay), as well as those who do pay,--write. For the new paper, like the Herald, would be just as free as the air you breathe, to all the Lord’s poor: trusting the giver of all mercies, to provide the means for its support, if he desires it to live.
Do not put off until tomorrow, what you can do now. Take a postal card (send no money until we decide whether the paper is wanted), this moment, and let me know if you want it. All who do not write will be accounted as voting, No. My directions are C.T. Russell, Pittsburgh, PA.
March 1879 - Vol. 8 - No. 3, page 42
Those sending in a vote for the new paper, will be desirous of knowing the results. Those not sending a postal card, being counted as voting, NO; shows that another paper is not generally desired: and to your decision we acquiesce.
We have no desire to entail on ourself the labor and expense of publishing another paper, if you do not want it, and feel very anxious for it. Those from whom we have heard were evidently pleased with the prospect, and hopeful that it would start, but as compared with the whole number, they are a minority. You may therefore consider the matter as abandoned for the present, unless I hear from a great many more during the next few days: C. T. Russell

Zion's Watch Tower,
And "Herald of Christ's Presence."
To the readers of the "HERALD OF THE MORNING,"
DEAR FRIENDS: My connection with the "Herald" having been terminated rather suddenly, and under circumstances which must seem rather remarkable and peculiar to you, I feel it to be a duty both to you and to myself to offer an explanation of the manner of withdrawal and my reasons for so doing. Quite a number who were personally acquainted with me thought there must be more of the story to tell, and I have received a number of letters asking an explanation. To these inquiries and to many unexpressed of similar character, let me offer the following statement:
Read the rest of the story: http://pastorrussell.blogspot.com/2009/09/to-readers-of-herald-of-morning.html
Additional Reading: http://pastorrussell.blogspot.com/2010/08/zions-watch-tower-1879_11.html