1852, Russell born: jv 42
1868, Russell begins careful study of Scriptures: w06 1/15 24
1870, Russell forms Bible study group: w06 8/15 13; w94 5/1 24; jv 44, 236
1876, End of appointed times of nations in 1914 first announced: br78 7
1877, Barbour and Russell publish Three Worlds, and the Harvest of This World: jv 47, 575
Russell publishes The Object and Manner of Our Lord’s Return: jv 47, 132-3, 575
1879, Russell withdraws from Herald of the Morning: jv 47-8, 131
Zion’s Watch Tower first published: ca01 4; jv 47-8; br78 6; je 8
1880, Russell tours northeastern U.S. to form study groups: w94 5/1 14
1881, First tracts published: jv 718
Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society formed: jv 210, 229, 576; br78 6
Colporteur work begins: w94 5/1 15; jv 210, 405-6, 558
Groups holding meetings asked to notify Society: jv 205
Food for Thinking Christians published: w94 5/1 15; jv 123, 210, 404
1884, Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society incorporated: ca01 6; jv 210, 229, 576; br78 6; je 8-9
1886, The Divine Plan of the Ages (Millennial Dawn, Volume I) released: jv 52, 576
1889, Bible House in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, completed: jv 54
1890, Society begins Bible publishing with Rotherham’s New Testament, Second Edition: jv 605
1891, First gathering of Bible Students to be termed a convention (Allegheny, Pennsylvania): jv 254
Russell travels abroad: yb06 68; jv 406; je 9
1894, Speakers sent to congregations: jv 204, 222
1895, Dawn Circles for Bible Study begin: jv 237
1896, Name Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society changed to Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society: jv 229, 576, 603
1898, Tower Publishing Company donated to Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society: jv 576
Local assemblies begin: jv 255
1900, First branch office established (London, England): ca01 2; yb00 71-2; g00 12/22 17; jv 210
1903, Tracts distributed house to house: w01 7/15 12
1904, Russell’s sermons appear in newspapers: jv 58
1909, Watch Tower Society moves headquarters to Brooklyn: jv 59; br78 6; je 9
Peoples Pulpit Association formed: jv 229
1912, Work begins on “Photo-Drama of Creation”: jv 59-60; br78 6
1914, “Photo-Drama of Creation” first shown: ca01 1; jv 60, 422; br78 6; g88 2/8 11
Archduke of Austria-Hungary assassinated: g94 11/8 3-5
International Bible Students Association incorporated: yb00 71; jv 229; je 9
1915, Pastoral work (aspect of field ministry) begins: jv 560
1916, Russell dies: jv 63-4; sh 354
1917, Rutherford elected president of Watch Tower Society: jv 65; sh 354-5
Opposition to Rutherford by four unconfirmed directors: jv 66-8
1918, Rutherford confirmed as president of Watch Tower Society: jv 68